Waterville Valley and surrounding areas have many activities to offer and make great vacation memories. The WATERVILLE VALLEY WELCOME CENTER is the best activity concierge resource to get all of the activity information including hours and guidelines-pool, tennis, golf, hiking, skiing, tubing, escape room, arcade, rock climbing wall, disc golf, bungee trampoline-you name it, they can answer it, they even have weather updates. Welcome Center located at 41 Valley Rd, Waterville Valley or call 603-236-8311 ext 4000 or ext 8.
Resort Insider (click here) for weekly Waterville Valley Activities
*Please do send your registration card or try to check-in at the Welcome Center.
Legends Adventure Arcade
Family fun arcade. Play arcade games- win tickets to earn prizes.
603-236-8383 more information

Biking and More
NEW: Disc Golf, Bungee Trampoline, Rock climbing
And ResortBoard Adventure Tours

Nordic Skiing